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BMX BIKES (Ages 5+)

Bicycle Moto Xross

BMX stand for bicycle moto cross.  Back in the early 1970's kids on the west coast of the US began riding and racing their old Schwinn StingRay type bikes on dirt roads, emulating their heroes from the world of motorized dirt bike racing.  The stingray bikes were easily modified to make them better suited for this type of racing.  In no time, this activity became world famous. To this day, BMX racing is a big sport.  BMX has climbed the ladder in popularity and is featured in worldwide events like the X-Games and the Summer Olympics


The bikes themselves have morphed into 3 types: BMX, Freestyle and Vert.  They are great bikes for the younger aged crowd as well as the older teens and even adults.  The bikes are simple, durable, fun, and effectively one-size-fits-forever.


BMX bikes are super cool and practical for a wide range of the kids out there.


Smart Cycles has been a big fan of BMX for 25 years as a shop and we carry many models to choose from.....INCLUDING the latest rage: SE BIKES!




Click thru the gallery above to look at a great selection of the models we carry.


The info we provide here on sizing and bike types for kids is very accurate, but sometimes, a rider's very specific needs will require a size or style 'off' this grid.  Sometimes you can get a bigger bike, which is great because it will last longer!  A visit to Smart Cycles and a test-ride are worth a million words, so come on down.





Tel: 203-831-9144 


Text Only: 475-215-0152


TUES 10-6
WED 10-6

THU 12-7
FRI 10-6
SAT 10-5
SUN 12-4
Monday Closed



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303 Strawberry Hill Ave

Norwalk, CT 06851 USA


1/2 mile east of Stew Leonard's, right off Route 1.

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