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Bike Assembly

Unassembled Bicycle

If you've purchased your bike online, or anywhere else, you can still get bike shop service and advice by having Smart Cycles assemble and tune your bike for you.  You can even arrange to have it shipped to us, so you don't have to worry about being home to accept the package.  Builds include receipt of bike from shipper, unpacking, assembly, full tuning, fitting setup, and a free 30 day follow up.  See pricing below.  *Some bikes require more work and will cost a bit more.  We will consult with you in these cases before beginning any work.  Bike assembly is charged at our tune up rates plus a nominal assembly fee. 





Kids Coaster Bikes  $25 assembly + $64 Tune Up
Single Speed/BMX  $25 assembly + $74 Tuneup

Multi Speed Kids/Adult with Rim Brakes:  $25 assembly + $94 Tuneup
Multi Speed Kids/Adult with Disc Brakes: $25 assembly + $104 Tuneup
Multi Speed Kids/Adult with Disc and Full Suspension:  $25 assembly + $114 Tuneup

E-Bikes with Rim Brakes $40 assembly + $94 Tuneup
E-Bikes with Disc Brakes $40 assembly + $14 Tuneup
E-Bikes with Disc Brakes and Full Suspension $40 assembly + $114 Tuneup

Most Class 2 E Bikes are subject to an additional $55 MV surcharge.



Tel: 203-831-9144 


Text Only: 475-215-0152


TUES 10-6
WED 10-6

THU 12-7
FRI 10-6
SAT 10-5
SUN 12-4
Monday Closed



Serving Local Riders for 30 YEARS!

- Bicycle Sales, Assembly, Accessories

- Bicycle Repairs
- Car Racks

- Pickup and Delivery

- Bicycle Painting and Restoration

- Wheel Building & Frame Alignment

- We Offer Financing

- Consignments


303 Strawberry Hill Ave

Norwalk, CT 06851 USA


1/2 mile east of Stew Leonard's, right off Route 1.

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